Knowing me...

Assalammua'laikum.Ana ismi Marzuq. اهلا وسهلا .ana min Kuala Lumpur.Studying at uia right now. I lived at W.Maju.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Allah's laws in life

Today we learn 3 chapter.The first one is "Allah's laws in life"

In this chapter,we learn that every actions that human made all follow Allah's laws.Everything that happens to humans,happy and sad,their time of greatness and their time of falling,what remain and what destroyed,the strong and the weak, will not happen suddenly,but all will happen according to Allah's laws.
Anybody who follows Allah's guidance, they will have a good life in world and here after,but anybody who don't follow Allah guidance,they will not have a good life in both world.

Let us all follow Allah's guidance.

There are sentence from Al-Quran,surah Al-Nahl,sentence 97.From what I understand from this sentence is every good action that any man or woman do,Allah will give reward to them,according to their best of their actions.

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