Knowing me...

Assalammua'laikum.Ana ismi Marzuq. اهلا وسهلا .ana min Kuala Lumpur.Studying at uia right now. I lived at W.Maju.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Destroyer of the environment

The last chapter for today is"Destroyer of the environment"

who is this referring to?It refer to human...

Allah says in surah Ar-Rum,sentence 41:
"Mischief has appeared on land an sea because of what the hands of men have earned(by oppression and evil deeds),that He(Allah) may make them taste a part of that which they have done in order that they may turn back(from evil)."

from what i understand,the pollution that we,human made on earth,is also a reminder for us to return to the right path.

In this chapter,we learn that Allah has create the earth clean and perfect.however,human are destroying the earth.Human polluting the water by throwing rubbish inside river and sea, ,polluting the air with smoke from factories and cars.This pollution has something to do with our main enemy,Syaitan.
We human must protect the environment,not destroying it.

So let us all do what we can,and prevent pollution from keep happening.

There are also a new sentence that we can create,by using
"la a'l la"
which mean "if",and the words are possible to happen
"la i ta"

which also mean "if",but the words are not possible to happen..

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