Knowing me...

Assalammua'laikum.Ana ismi Marzuq. اهلا وسهلا .ana min Kuala Lumpur.Studying at uia right now. I lived at W.Maju.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Bilal bin Rabbah

On the last day,we learn 2 chapter,one of it is about Bilal bin Rabbah.

He was a servant.After he convert to Islam,his master torture him so that he will convert to jews.
His master put a big rock on Bilal's stomach and put bilal under the sun.Despite all this,he still don't want to convert to jews.
Abu Bakar get knows this and he use his money to let Bilal free.After that,Bilal is the first person to become muazzin(the person who do azan).

We all should praise Allah

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