Knowing me...

Assalammua'laikum.Ana ismi Marzuq. اهلا وسهلا .ana min Kuala Lumpur.Studying at uia right now. I lived at W.Maju.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sunnah Allah Di Bumi

We learn about Sunnah Allah on the Earth.
Allah has create many thing on earth,such as animal,human,none living things and many more
Many phenomena such as the rain,the volcano eruption and the switch betwenn day and night all obey Allah's sunnah.The sun cannot chase the moon,while night cannot get ahead of day.It must Follow Allah's sunnah.
We can learn more about Allah's Sunnah on earth By observation and experiment,and the tool we need to do this is our eyes,ears,and heart(not litereally).

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