Knowing me...

Assalammua'laikum.Ana ismi Marzuq. اهلا وسهلا .ana min Kuala Lumpur.Studying at uia right now. I lived at W.Maju.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Bilal bin Rabbah

On the last day,we learn 2 chapter,one of it is about Bilal bin Rabbah.

He was a servant.After he convert to Islam,his master torture him so that he will convert to jews.
His master put a big rock on Bilal's stomach and put bilal under the sun.Despite all this,he still don't want to convert to jews.
Abu Bakar get knows this and he use his money to let Bilal free.After that,Bilal is the first person to become muazzin(the person who do azan).

We all should praise Allah

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Destroyer of the environment

The last chapter for today is"Destroyer of the environment"

who is this referring to?It refer to human...

Allah says in surah Ar-Rum,sentence 41:
"Mischief has appeared on land an sea because of what the hands of men have earned(by oppression and evil deeds),that He(Allah) may make them taste a part of that which they have done in order that they may turn back(from evil)."

from what i understand,the pollution that we,human made on earth,is also a reminder for us to return to the right path.

In this chapter,we learn that Allah has create the earth clean and perfect.however,human are destroying the earth.Human polluting the water by throwing rubbish inside river and sea, ,polluting the air with smoke from factories and cars.This pollution has something to do with our main enemy,Syaitan.
We human must protect the environment,not destroying it.

So let us all do what we can,and prevent pollution from keep happening.

There are also a new sentence that we can create,by using
"la a'l la"
which mean "if",and the words are possible to happen
"la i ta"

which also mean "if",but the words are not possible to happen..

Allah's grace

The second chapter for today is "Allah's grace"

Sentence from Al-Quran,surah An-Nahl sentence 114:
"So eat of the lawful and good food which Allah has provided for you,and be grateful for the favours of Allah,if it is He Whom you worship"

From what I understand,Many food is lawful,but not all are good to us.

In this chapter,we are reminded that Allah's grace in uncountable,it is too many to be count.Among Allah's grace that are big is the environment.The water are an important sources to living,while the fresh air are the basic things for human to live healthy.
And when we look at the greenery of the environment,we can feel peace.This is also Allah's grace to human.Allah also create the earth as the place for human to worship Allah.
So,we must thanks Allah for all the grace Allah have give to us.Allah says in Al-Quran,surah Al-Ibrahim,sentence 7,that anybody who grateful,they grace will increase but to anybody who don't,Allah's punishment is very hurtful.

So,we must all not forget who give us what we have now,and be grateful to Allah.

All praise to Allah!!

Allah's laws in life

Today we learn 3 chapter.The first one is "Allah's laws in life"

In this chapter,we learn that every actions that human made all follow Allah's laws.Everything that happens to humans,happy and sad,their time of greatness and their time of falling,what remain and what destroyed,the strong and the weak, will not happen suddenly,but all will happen according to Allah's laws.
Anybody who follows Allah's guidance, they will have a good life in world and here after,but anybody who don't follow Allah guidance,they will not have a good life in both world.

Let us all follow Allah's guidance.

There are sentence from Al-Quran,surah Al-Nahl,sentence 97.From what I understand from this sentence is every good action that any man or woman do,Allah will give reward to them,according to their best of their actions.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sunnah Allah Di Bumi

We learn about Sunnah Allah on the Earth.
Allah has create many thing on earth,such as animal,human,none living things and many more
Many phenomena such as the rain,the volcano eruption and the switch betwenn day and night all obey Allah's sunnah.The sun cannot chase the moon,while night cannot get ahead of day.It must Follow Allah's sunnah.
We can learn more about Allah's Sunnah on earth By observation and experiment,and the tool we need to do this is our eyes,ears,and heart(not litereally).

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


well.last tuesday,3/2/2009,We discuss about Allah laws.
Allah's laws can also be say Allah's Sunnah.It is a connection Allah mde between human and the nature.
From what I understand,Allah laws cannot be changed by anyone.And everything happen for a reasons.
All the disaster such as tsunami is all example of Allah's laws.
And to know more about Allah's laws,we all have to return to Allah's book,The holy Al-Quran.

Apart from that,we also discuss about the video we are going to made.
My group,(Me,Helmi,Shukri and Khalid) are going to do video about the topic work and salary.
The synopsis for the story is:
A have no money to play games,andd want to use money from welfare department to play.However, after hearing advise from his friend,he start a buisness,selling hotdog and nasi lemak.After a week,he got double if his modal.So now he want to continue to be a succesful buisnessman.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


tday,the first thing we do is discuss our mid sem exam paper,so that we will learn from our mistake and do not repeat it again.
after that each group(there are 3 group) have to present 1 chapter,and my group present first.
We don't know how to explain it,so we just try it.
I don't think it went good...

Monday, January 12, 2009


Today we all do another exam paper,from last sem.This time it was quite tougher than the before.All the answer is not given,the one we need to arrage is longer than usual....
and this thursday we will have something like a quiz

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Today we start doing the last sem exam.We all try to do it in class.
We learn many ways how to find the answer even though we don't know the meaning.
like if we have to match it,search for the word that have the same baris with the one we want to find out.and if it has the "ta bulat/marbutoh",the answer will also have it.
And then we also learn trick to arrange the words,turn them into plural and many more.
I hope I can use it in our exam later

Monday, January 5, 2009


Today topic is المعراج
They are a word In The Holy Al-Quran,which from what I understand means even if Allah show the heaven to people who do not believe in Islam,They will not believe Islam,they think they are bewitched by sorcery.

we also learn more about the sky.From what I understand,The sky consist of 7 zone.Human can only see 200 km at the sky,the rest is black,or ظلام دامس.
When human saw this,whey think they have become blind or have been bewitch so they could not see.

Today we learn about how to use
which means "like"(seperti)
which means "still"
which means "if"

like usual,we also learn many new words,including
ظلام دامس
means "dark"(gelap gelita)
means "crazy"
and many more.
That its for today lesson

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